Pulse Motor Build Off 2013
See Below For The Rules And Information From This Build Off, otherwise here is the entry's for this years build off! judging is happening now! these are posted in no peculator order
Irish Dave
cristian alba
marianek (1)
marianek (2)
And of course ~Russ cant win but here is what i built...
Russ and Brad (AKA tinman) would like to welcome you to the 2013 pulse motor build off.
In the following few post,you will find the rule's and other information regarding the competition.
The main aim of the build off ,is to have fun and get as creative as you can with what you have available to you. How much can you do with the junk around you...
First before you get started please subscribe to this mailing list to keep up to date on this contest!!!
also subscribe to theses 2 you tube users ( ~Russ and brad)
The build off will Start on the 25th of August, and final video's must be in by the 22 of September. (see timer above for exact time)
A thread will be open with the start of the build off,for progression video's-both on IAEC and Open-source-energy websites. please see links below.
RULES ( Like there are any really.. but theses will be taken Seriously, no if's and's and butt's)
1. You must post a video ( or photos and some text) at the beginning of the build off, and show what setup you plan on building-a. a brief description will do. This is to insure that you are building a new machine, and not just modifying an old one. (Parts from old machines may be used but must be modified extensive). theses videos or photos are to be posted in the threads listed for the entry's. links listed below.
2. There will be two categories, class A. Advanced. and class B. Beginners/use of resources. Russ and Brad will decide witch category you will be in, based on previous builds by yourself/ your entry video. we encourage the beginner's to use there resources. this will help you in your class. Build from junk is good!!!
3. Entry videos must not be longer than THREE Minutes (3). (The only exception to this is the ***intro video,{see*** Note Below} this will not count against your 3 min.) video links must be posted on the threads from any video streaming website that is open to the public. if no video is to be used you can enter the contest with photos and text. this will make your chances of winning slim, but the point is to get people involved...
*** intro video is the video we have created for this event. please download and include it in your entry video for more exposure. see download links below:
(in this folder one will find links to the intro video in mammy formats for you to use:)
4. Video Entry Links to both forums will be posted in the PMBO video thread. YOU MUST POST YOUR ENTRY VIDEO (or photos) IN A THREAD FOR PULSE MOTOR BUILD OFF TO QUALIFY FOR ENTRY BY SEED TIME ABOVE ON COUNT DOWN TIMER. timer will be on threads and here on this page. please post in theses threads to enter:
B. http://open-source-energy.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=1349
When submitting please label the video and post titled "PMBO ENTRY 2013" so we can determine this is your entry.
when submitting 'n entry please include your email so we can get a hold of you for questions or concerns.
multiple entry's can be maid but must contain completely different pulse motor's
5. What is a pulse motor????
A pulse motor definition for the build off.
A rotating device that turns by pulses. Those pulses are not limited to electrical pulses.
It can be gas pulses,liquid pulses,or anything that creates a pulsing force ( most the time repetitive pulses but could be limited to one pulse) that is used to rotate the device's mechanism ,rotor,flywheel ECT.
It can be big or small,and made from any material.
The wackier and most use of resources the better.
Those are the rule's to the build it self.
This year there will be no time extensions,but you have just under 4 weeks.
So as you can see,the rules this year are very open,and easy.
Judges this year will be-
Steve Jones-Physicist- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_fGKtmp8Cc
Mark Dansie http://revolution-green.com/
Zero Fossil Fuel http://www.youtube.com/user/ZeroFossilFuel/videos
Each will be judging the 2 category.
now your asking "BUT what about prizes!!!"
we are welcoming people to donate to the build off. below is what we have so far. we hope that there will be more in the future before the build off is complete. prizes will be given to first, second, and third places winners for each category. Russ and Brad will also be picking our favorite entries and giving those winners prizes as well.
We need anyone that's willing to donate to the prize pool to let us know if you would like to do so. Please see this thred for others that have helped already:
The smart scarecrow (Gary) will also be awarding the winners there 15 min of fame again on his show for those who want to participate!!!
shazizz mad science show will also be giving 15 min of fame on his radio show!!
thanks and good luck
So grab some junk,and have some fun!!!
~Russ and brad