
Pulse Motor Build off 2014

Pulse Motor Build off 2014 Nov14 - Dec14 (Midnight) !! GET TO BUILDING!!


Pulse motor build off 2014



Pulse Motor Build Off 2014 Winners Video!!!! Congrats! EVERYONE who entered is a winner!



First: jeremy gwilt

Second: Tommey Reed

Third: deeds


Here are all the entry from the Pulse motor build off 2014! ( theses are in know particular order)  but everyone here is a winner!

I cant win but here is what i built:

PMBO 2014 Rules and information below:

Rules and regulations here:


Must Be A Pulsed System, Leaner, Rotation, Or Otherwise. ( Just about anything goes, it dose not need to do anything, it just needs to pulse, some how some way)

Must build something new! you can use older projects to make something even bigger!

Entries must be posted on this thread HERE before Dec14 2012 midnight your local time.

Entry videos must be no longer than 3 minute's  ( Pack as much detail as you can in this time!!!)
( video length not including the 30 second intro video if you chose to include it in your entry, you can find the intro video HERE )

( unfinished pulse motors are excepted, some times things just don't go right, that's okay, that's why we like this contest! Enter anyway!! You'll never know if you don't try... )


Russ Gries

Zero Fossil fuel

Steven Jones


1st place will receive a HD glasses camcorder along with a visa gift card ( value still to be determined, no less than 200$ at the moment )

2nd place will receive a visa gift card ( value still to be determined, no less than 150$ at the moment )

3rd place will receive a visa gift card ( value still to be determined, no less than 100$ at the moment )

( Prize value will increase equally as donations are excepted )

To donate to the PMBO winnings pot please use the donate button located HERE ( please add note indicating that it is for the PMBO)

There will be a special  smart scarecrow PMBO show after the competition!!!!  the winners will be able to join and express there 10 min of fame!

That's it!

And There Off!

Please note that updates and such will be announced on the RWG42985 YouTube channel as well as on this thread.

please post your progress and help needed on this thread.

Good Luck!!!

~Russ Gries