2018 Pulse Motor Build Off
What's up Everybody!
It's that time again. Time for the 2018 Pulse Motor Build Off!
Here are the rules... and everything you need to know:
Start date (now!!!) Nov 6th.
Entry date BEFORE (new years eve) Dec 31. (12:00 midnight your local time)
Rules are simple:
2. Share your knowledge
3. Build something FUN and on your building experience level.
4. Make it move... Pulse... and anything interesting!
5. Make a 3 min (or less) video and post it on the Forums of your final entry video before Dec 31. (midnight your local time)
Please post all FINAL entry videos here in this thread!
To add to the fun, Brad AKA TinMan has added a challenge to us! the drinking bird, in a closed box! see the video here:
so for added fun, add the drinking bird to your build off!
But Russ! What about prizes? (update: there are now PRIZES!!!!)
Thanks to https://www.ohmcoin.org/ and https://scitechsyndicate.com/ for sponsoring this years PMBO prizes!
1st place = $100 in Bitcoin and 3016 Ohmcoin (edited)
2nd Place = $50 in store credit on www.scitechsyndicate.com
3rd place = $30 in Bitcoin
This year is completely about having fun, sharing the knowledge, and helping each other! Although as normal, I will feature some of the top picks on my YouTube channel. some fun, crazy or just plain straight forward builds! even some failures! because we cant fail if we dont try, and the story is way more fun than the final product most of the Time...
I will post updated videos on my main YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe for all the updates!
Ok, The clock is ticking! Now GO HAVE SOME FUN!
"Everyone is a winner if they enter!" ~PP
The 2018 Pulse Motor Build Off has STARTED!
My intro if you want to use it: DOWNLOAD IT HERE
~Russ Gries
If you need help accessing the forums : RWGPMBO@gmail.com