
Pulse Motor Build off 2016

 PMBO 2016
Cooperation through competition
                         An open source project to explore what is possible when we work together.


PMBO 2016 rwgresearch 2


Thank you Diadon for stretching your limit's to get the intro and PMBO 2016 image done in time!


Thanks Jeremy for helping get this show on the road!


Sponsors so far:

personal sponsors:

George From

Company sponsors:

Want to donate or be a Sponsor? see here

Welcome to the 2016 Pulse Motor Build Off official rules and regulations. 

The goal is to build an entirely new Pulse Motor using whatever materials are available to you within the time given. The most important rule is to have fun!

Just to point it out,  don't forget to read about the 1oz GOLD COIN Prize listed in the prize pool.


Q. What is a Pulse Motor?

Technical answer for this competition:

A. Any form of device that uses a pulse to generate movement. It can spin, swing, bounce, Jump, fly.... The design is completely up to you! Keep in mind that it must still be a 'motor', and there should at least be a theoretical way to make it do some "work" (turn a fan, make light, charge a battery, Just about anything more than nothing... )


Q. What kind of pulse are we talking about?

A. This, again, is open to the builders interpretation. it can be electromagnetic, fluid, gas....the less conventional the better! The point is for the contestant to think out side the box, so if its a "Pulse" its game on!


Q. Dose the motor have to complete an assigned task?

A. Not at all. In fact, it doesn't even have to be completed before the finish date. Partial builds are still encouraged to submit their progress, and are fully eligible for prizes!

the below list is not set in stone but it will go something like this:

Each category will earn you points,

1. Usefulness - potential to do "work" ( move something, light something, ect)
2. Appearance - how cool does it look
3. Simplicity - ease of construction and simplicity of circuitry
4. Originality - is it a new idea or an old idea in a new package
5. Cost - use of recycled and low cost materials is encouraged ( see here for some ideas to find scrap parts)

Bonus Points
Is it open source? (Could some one replicate your build by watching your 3 min video? )

This of coarse is up to the judges, that's why we have 3 of them.

Q. Who are the judges?


#1: Mark AKA Zero Fossil Fuel

#2 Jim, AKA mnsman1

#3. Brad, AKA TinManPower


Q. Dose it really need to need to be An entirely new machine?

A. This is another bendable rule. Old parts from possible existing builds may be used (coils, magnets, etc) as long as there has been a significant change to the structure or use.


Q. Wait....Prizes?

A. Yes! Judges will award the top 3 builds with cash prizes, and a special award will go a video chosen by you, the viewers! ( viewers choice for a total of 4 prizes winnings)   Be sure to check the entire prize structure below.


Q. Who is eligible to join?

A. Everybody! WORLD WIDE (well...except Russ and the other judges) You strongly encouraged to submit a short video or photos and a description posted on the forums showing some of your materials (don't give away your secrets just yet!). This is an important step as it verifies for others that you are starting a new build. Again, you are encouraged to supply details about your design and build with the Open Source community, but this is not a requirement. All will be taken into consideration. Participants could be disqualified if this step is skipped.

Please post that early content here in the PMBO 2016 General Discussion Thread. HERE

This is also be where general discussion will be held through out the build off.


Q. Where do we post our entry video?

A. Your final entry must be in video form and limited to 3 minutes. You will also be required to make sure your video, or link to it, is posted in the proper 'Official Entries Only' forum here: "PMBO 2016 Final Entry Thread. Only Post Final 3 Min Videos Here."

You can have someone help you post it for you if you like...just ask!  Your video MUST be posted before the deadline to qualify for entry. Participants are encouraged to give a brief schematic / explanation of their machine included in the video. We also encourage some form of power measurement if possible, including power input (output), weight of object being moved, rpm etc. The more information you are able to share, the better!

We are also asking you to use the PMBO intro video in your videos. This extra time does not count against your 3min total time, you can download the intro video here.

Please title your videos "PMBO 2016 Final Entry" the add extra custom text after that.

The best way to post the videos on the forums is to upload to YouTube or Vemeo then link the video to the forums thread.

Please Send emails here for any troubles you are having posting on the forums:


Q. When is this all taking place?

A. Right now! if you are reading this, that means the contest has started and will close in one months time (See count down counter on the top of this page) get to building!


Q. When dose the video need to be posted?

A. Before the count down timer at the top of this page hits 00:00:00:00!



All monetary prizes are base amount, which will increase as donations are added to the pot!

Donations are accepted in coin form, tossed into your local wishing well.... ok not really...  ( please see here if your interested in supporting this PMBO through donations for the prize pool, Be a sponsor and get recognized! Upon request we will add your name / company to intro to the final intro video upon request.  FOR LINK CLICK HERE

Prize Pool:

1st Place: 50% of the prize pool.

2nd Place: 30% of the prize pool

3rd Place: 20% and a ham sandwich + the rest of the prize pool!

Viewers Choice Award: Any build that does not make it to the top three judges pick is eligible for this award. A voting process will be revealed during the announcement of the top 3 winners of the contest. ALL viewers will be able to pick there most favorite entry! Top 3 winners will not be eligible for the viewers choice award.


Q. What is the prize for viewers choice?

A. Russ will be making you something custom with his own hands and ship it to your door step!

Also Included a Raspberry Pi Zero that was donated by George @

That's  it!...


But wait there is more!!!


A slight twist in this years prize PMBO Structure:

A very special award of a 1oz GOLD COIN has been offered by prof. Steven Jones, for any participant that can demonstrate a device deriving power from a "non-conventional and currently untapped" source, meaning - not chemical (that includes galvanic batteries), solar, wind, and not "stealing from the grid".

"Cold fusion"  or "magnetic fields" or "unknown source" is acceptable. A description on how the inventor thinks the device works is welcome, But inventor is not required to understand how the device works, it only needs to be  demonstrated.

Criteria for the winning of the 1oz GOLD COIN:

It must be a "self-runner", and prof. Steven Jones  is  permitted to examine it and make sure it's not "connected to a conventional power source"


More output than input, ( COP>1 )  and prof. Steven Jones would need to be permitted to measure input and output.

This prize is subject to prof. Steven Jones and the final approval of the prize will be through verification and satisfaction of prof. Steven Jones that the device meets the required Criteria listed here.

Because this is an open source project no "black Box" entry will be eligible for this prize. Everything must be open to examination to prof. Steven Jones satisfaction.

That really is It! !!!!

GO GO GO !!!!

Its time! You have 30 days till end time! ( see count down timer above! )


Useful links:

need help? email :

cant find where to post your entry video? here: PMBO 2016 Final Entry Thread. Only Post Final 3 Min Videos Here.

want to find out where to see others talking about this as they build? here: PMBO 2016 General Discussion Thread.

Past build off's :


Disclaimer: Anything said, read, heard, published, or otherwise associated with doing an experiment for this competition is 100%  responsible for the party participating, Russ Gries or anyone else associated with this contest will not be reliable for any actions, harm, or death, that occurs due to irresponsible actions of the party participating. Electricity is DANGEROUS and only users who understand the risks should try to enter this contest.


This PMBO 2013 video went viral, yours might too? : currently has 1,779,148 views!