
Delta 3D Printer “Rostock”

Here one will find a Delta 3D Printer "Rostock" 3D printer prototype  that I was helped in to building by my fellow researchers.  (NATE AND JEFF) (THANKS!!)rostock 3Dprinter RWGresearch

*** Also see the filament extruder work in progress : Filament Extruder

This Rostock is a replica of the 3D printer prototype, originally Dezighned by Johann, with some of my own modifications.


Below is a full documentary from scattered parts to finished working 3D printer including software and Time-laps video of 3D printed parts.  This about 1hr15min so please sit back and enjoy. If one would prefer to reading instead of watching a video please see my blog posted are posted here on the forums:

please do note that the video is much more informative than the blog post

one can download the files i talk about in this video here:

Here are some photos of the finished printer  and some parts a created with it.

Delta 3D Printer Rostock RWGresearch 1Delta 3D Printer Rostock RWGresearch 5Delta 3D Printer Rostock RWGresearch 4Delta 3D Printer Rostock RWGresearch 3

Below are some update videos on this project:

Some of the upgraded parts i modified files can be downloaded here:


The Videos Below are of the Upgrade i did to add the Z probe for auto cal/level, and a lot more:

Z probe here: or

more videos to come...

This is the 2016 Upgrade videos! :


Older information below and some first prints. :

 Calibration 1/2" cube

First print ever.

Bolt and Nut

calibration triangle

small container with a twist lid ( water tight)

Single layer crazy cup

Custom Mouse stand to fit my posture.


This was built in 2 Halves as i had problems with the print half way through. super glue helped finish this one!

 Custom I phone stand.


yes, its inverted... no copyright issues now. Haha


I well defiantly update this page with items as i make more stuff.

Enjoy and best of all HAVE FUN!!!


~Russ Gries