Adopt-A-Bot Idea & Fix Progress.
Brook from has uncovered a collection of old Printrbots in need of a little TLC at There PBHQ. Rather than refurbishing these printers and selling them, they have offered them to community members with a generous heart to fix them up and donate them to schools. They called it “Adopt-A-Bot”, Russ decided to get in involved and support this project.
Russ's kids received one of these Printerbots and will be fixing it up and to working order so that it can be donated to a local school of your choice. We ask that you cover the cost of shipping ($40). We will send you the printer that we got from Brook after we make sure its in good working order.
We were willing to see Brooks vision and now you can be a part of it by watching the videos we post while fixing the printer. Then you get to help pick the school we will donate it to. The person picked will also be responsible for helping the school with the printer if they have an problems with it.
If you are interested in us sending you the printer we are working on. please fill out THIS FORM. By doing so you will be entered on a list of people who are interested in helping get this 3D printer to a school to help teach kids! We will pick someone's school off the list after we have it all fixed up and working! Please note that I have know idea how long this will take but will try to get it done as soon as possible. ~Russ
Here is "OBOAL - 3D Printer - Printrbot "
Our repair Videos here:
Coming Soon
more information:
Here is Brooks original video:
If your interested in helping in Phase 2 of Adopt-A-Bot please watch below and visit the site so you can help.