
10,000 Joule RailGun

Here one will find the 10,000 Joule Rail Gun.  Its only a bit bigger Than my first rail gun...

OK, a lot bigger!

Here Is some more info on the bank: 10,000J cap bank

I did this for 2 reasons. One its been on my list of to do's. Two, my subscribers deserve it! They managed to make RWG42985 YouTube channel a 20,000 Subscriber channel! amazing! so here is to you all! cheers:



some still images, love theses stills:


Some photos of the rail gun:

The rail gun is comprised from some old 1" acrylic plates, 3/16" Aluminum rails and some stainless steal hardware.  i was using .26" OD Steal Ball Bearings as my ammo.


its about 12" long and 4" wide.



Rail Gun

Rail Gun  1

Rail Gun   2

Rail Gun  4

Rail Gun 5

Rail Gun  6

the cap bank:

10,000 Jule cap bank

The ammo before and after: .26" steal ball bearings



There is one there on the right that is new, one can see some grew and some shrunk! 20150105_130721_HDR

some still shots of it firing:


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There will be more once i get more time to make a new injection system! ~Russ Gries