
Magnetic Levitation & kits

On this page one will find some magnetic levitation devices, one of which you can buy as a kit or build the fully open source kit yourself! By selling this kit it helps me continue to fund the research you see on this site.

Starting with the kit, these parts were designed by me and printed on my 3d printer.
















Below is the Introduction video to the kit and parts therein.

NOTE** After I recorded this video, I  modified the bismuth pieces to make it more appealing... the kits will have the new stile with a bevel. the uprights also have RWG RESEARCH "engraved" right from the printer, see below.


Here are some photos of the small magnet levitating! ( The one on the left is the new style in the kits)


one can download the 3D printable STL files HERE.

or one can help fund the research by buying a kit or parts of the kit.

Currently i have Stopped making the "clear" kit and went for a Black Kit instead...   or i have white Kits. I also started printing theses parts in PLA plastic instead of ABS.

When buying a complete kit please specify if you want it Assembled or UnAssembled " parts kit" so you can assemble it your self. ( Note orders outside the US will only be Shipped UnAssembled  "Parts kit" to save on shipping costs, shipping will also be more for out of USA orders.)


What Kit Type Do You Want?
Do You Want The Kit Assembled or UnAssembled?

White Kit: ( all parts Included)

Black kit: (all parts Included)


have a 3D printer? Just need the Parts including magnets, bismuth ( already molded) and hardware? no problem.

one can download the 3D printable STL files HERE. and order just the parts.

 Magnets are 3/4" x 3/4" cylinder magnets and 3/16" cube magnet. Cast and machined Bismuth. Hardware is 5/16" - 24



more photos of the parts in the kit's broken down:

Black :





I have added my name in the upright so people know who you support :)


Start To Finish Of Building A Kit... ( including casting the bismuth, Printing the parts and assembling a kit!)

Below is some more photos and other videos of levitation devices including my first  diamagnetic levitation device



My first build...


Below is a electromagnetic levitation device. I tucked this one in to a red bull can for fun...