
Stanley Meyer’s WFC Tech

On this page, you will find my work on Stanley A. Meyer's Water Fuel Cell technology, including his EPG, also known as the “Electrical Particle Generator.”

Below is a quote from Stan in his 1997 Denver speech that can give some insight as to who Stan was and what he was trying to accomplish.

"We can demonstrate the technology.  We can say it’s here but in actuality it will not be Stan Meyers to bring it in.  It will be either you or I, the guy down the street, who will come together to bring it in.  Otherwise, I do not believe an alternate energy source, whether water fuel cell or other, would ever come in.  It’s going to have to be mandated by the people to try to reverse the environmental problems, the environmental damage, that’s actually occurring."
- Stan Meyer, 1997

This is the only way!  We all need to contribute as this is the only way the technology will come in to the public domain.

Please see the links below to see the different systems of the WFC technology.  My main focus has been on the EPG, but I have also been working on the HGG, or “hydrogen gas gun,” as I need to be able to process the gas going in to the EPG so I can create a magnetized gas.  I have been also been working on the VIC and resonant cavity.

I have recently teamed up with Alex Petty to reverse engineer the WFC tech using some photographic evidence of Stanley’s WFC electronics and equipment.  Please see Alex’s blog as this is a team effort and he has been posting his work for all to see.  One will see the GMS unit, or "gas management system,” there on his blog as well as the progress of the electronics.

All technical details will be released as progress is being made.  Please check my YouTube channel, this site, and Alex’s blog for updates.  Please see the forums as well as there is a lot more information from others that will be of much help!

Thank you and god bless!

~Russ Gries