Open Projects
Here, you will find all my open projects not listed in any particular order:
- “When I was a kid” (projects)
- 10,000 Joule RailGun
- 10,000J Cap Bank
- 3D Printing Research
- Automatic Pulse Fire Sequence Generator.
- Bedini Charging System
- Brushless CNC Spindle Build 3DP
- Burn-O-Meter
- Cold Fusion / LENR
- CommutaCar EV
- Constant Voltage AC Supply
- DYI Making Poly-Magnets CMR
- Edward Leedskalnin PMH
- Electrolysis Rods
- Gerard Morin
- Honda PA50II “Hot Rod” Hobbit
- Impulse Magnetizing Experiments
- John Hutchison (Hutchison Effect)
- K’nex Structure
- Lenz lawless generator
- Magnetic Levitation & kits
- Magnetic Tester
- MEP006A 60KW GenSet
- Mini Rail Gun
- No2 MH Cincinati Mill
- Papp Noble Gas Engine
- Power Supply Build
- Stanley Meyer's WFC Tech
- Sterling Engine
- The ‘Infinity’ Motor/Generator
- The High Voltage Water Bridge
- TheGAPpower Replication
- Torrid Coil Winder
- Voltzilla EV Motorcycle
- Vortex Based Math Research
- Wire Straightener / Counter
Come and join the fun over at the forums, we need your help!
~Russ Gries