
CR-39 Research, Nuclear Track Testing

On this page are my results as i was testing the CR-39 plastic as a  Nuclear Track detection system.

I needed a way to detect if there was any Nuclear decay in my low temp LENR Experiments.

Its Quite simple and with some trial and error i was able to get Clear results and some good data from my testing.


In this video I show you the method i used in my Solid State Nuclear Track Detector. Using CR-39 plastic one can see the tracks being created as partials decaying from a Nuclear reaction.

I started by exposing the CR-39 plastic to a americium source for 3 min. Because the tracks are extremely small we need to etch the plastic so we can see the tracks with the optical microscope. For Etching I tried the "standard" 6 hrs etching time with 6M NaOH @ 80c and found that it was just way to long.

I then went back and set up the experiment slightly better and more controlled. I covered the americium source with AL foil and poked a pin hole in it. Then covering the source with a metal plate and suspending the CR-39 plastic about 5 mm above the source, exposing the disk for 1 min.

The goal was to achieve a more controlled exposure. For etching i used the same 6M NaOH @ 80c but this time Iexposed the disk's for 30min, 60min, 90min, and 120min. This way I could find the best time for etching and get the best results.


more information here in theses PDF's

The failed results:

some photos from the PDF.

3 min exposed and eched 2

3 min exposed and eched 5

3 min exposed and eched 7

The good results:

some photos from the PDF.

5x SNAP-095255-0033200x dic SNAP-094158-001950x dic SNAP-094158-001550x dic SNAP-095042-0024

Anyone can do this its Cheep and simple Nuclear decay detector.

Comments and Questions are welcome over at the Forums.

see more LENR research at the MAIN PAGE

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There is a lot of other good information there if our interested in Cold Fusion.

Thanks for checking it out!

~Russ Gries