Rodin Coil Energy Amplifier
On this page one will find the work related to the Rodin Coil Energy Amplifier.
The end of may at the 2016 I was speaking at the Global BEM conference.
Later in the day I was asked by Marko Rodin to come on stage with him during a live demonstration of that they call the "The Rodin Coil Over Unity Energy Amplifier. Russ's Work."
I was asked to dissect the coil / setup to the best of my ability while the demo was going on. What i saw was something very interesting. something I have seen Daniel Nunez came in the past. some how " amplifying" the energy with in a system. AKA "over unity" some how getting more energy out of a system than putting in.
I know already most of you reading this will not believe that. that's ok, I was asked by Marko to reproduce it here in my lab. So that's what i started. I feel if there is something to see that it will show up in my lab.
most of the work is going on on the forums HERE
Please feel free to watch theses 3 videos on Marko's Channel.
There is also a PDF that was in those videos located here:
The plan is to replicate this work and validate it. If its really working the way it seems that would be remarkable.
I will update this page as I make more progress.
I want to think Marko for giving me the opportunity to do this. It really was a blessing and a lot of fun do be up on stage with him. as well as "007"
Below is some notes of my notes the event.
just some notes:
Circuit: ( tank circuit on output)
The output of the Sig gen is going to the passive input on the front of the amp. the Sig gen is set to 5Vpp 0v offset.
Sig gen is a Tektronics AFG1062
amp is a Acoustic® B200H professional head
"Speaker Out: Two-conductor, 1/4” Speaker Output Jacks, 4 Ohms minimum
load, parallel."
so the coil can be more than 4 ohms, just not less.
a 240V to 120V step down transformer was used for the amp because its American and he is in another country.
scope used is a Tektronics MDO3034 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope 350Mhz 205GSS/s
he was using a thermal cam FLUKE Ti200, IR Fusion Technology.
using a FLUKE 3000FC to measure output voltage because the scope was not high enough voltage.
L1 Connected to output from amp.
L2 is connected to a cap ( 200Vdc .15uf) ( or 450-500V 2.5uf) to a full wave bridge rectifier to 8 caps in parallel. (420V 220uf) to a "home brewed, build with some German guys from a wind turbine company" " 2500V to 24Vdc -dc converter,
other configuration is :
same input, but 7W LED light's connected series and parallel. "to get max out put of voltage / current" ( so tuning)
He said there is no real inductance on this coil ( its an air coil) also don't forget because of the spaces it has very high capacitance.
L1 and L2
L1 and L2 have 12 conductors each.
L1, there are 6 conductors shorted " copper core"
and 6 conductors in parallel making the L1
same for L2.
resistance is about "15 ohms".
Wire is .56mm
frequency with dc-dc converter is 1.326Khz ( don't let this full you this needs to be tuned to your coil)
frequency with lights is 1.226Khz ( don't let this full you this needs to be tuned to your coil)
~Russ Gries